Extra! Extra! Read all about it!
This week we're bringing you the Backstage Call Sheet for Spring/Summer 2019. It's got all of the information you need for Casting Directors, Agents/Managers, Production Companies, etc.
If you've got a Backstage account, or know someone who does, you can access all of the industry information from THIS LINK! Or by clicking the picture of the call sheet.
The great thing about the Call Sheet is that it's updated, and gets sent out twice a year! All the info you'll ever need to GSD (get $#!* done).
Catch y'all next week!
Aaron's Affirmations

Apply all of the tools you've been provided, and utilize your natural talent to manifest your dreams. You have the power to do whatever you want in your life! All it takes it that one leap of faith for things to fall into place.
Please keep in mind that this is a live document and is subject to change when new information becomes available.